"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations..."
Matthew 28:19
Locally (The "307")
Discover some amazing ways to serve alongside other believers right here in the 307!

Child Evangelism Fellowship
Opportunities: Financial Support, Volunteering and more!
Cornerstone partners with CEF to staff and run the Good News Club at Paradise Valley School. This after school program provides an opportunity to spend time with kids who rarely step foot inside the walls of a church through Bible lessons, memorizing and games. Other opportunities include fundraisers, summer camps and more. Contact us below to get involved!
Cornerstone partners with CEF to staff and run the Good News Club at Paradise Valley School. This after school program provides an opportunity to spend time with kids who rarely step foot inside the walls of a church through Bible lessons, memorizing and games. Other opportunities include fundraisers, summer camps and more. Contact us below to get involved!

True Care
Opportunities: Financial Support, Advocating and more!
Cornerstone partners with TrueCare to provide this amazing resource to the community of Casper. Take a vision tour, join a fundraiser or volunteer to be a part of this life-saving ministry right here in Casper. Contact us below to get involved!
Cornerstone partners with TrueCare to provide this amazing resource to the community of Casper. Take a vision tour, join a fundraiser or volunteer to be a part of this life-saving ministry right here in Casper. Contact us below to get involved!

Wyoming Rescue Mission
Opportunities: Volunteering, Teaching and More!
Cornerstone partners with the WRM through different ways such as packing lunches as a small group and serving meals. Other ways to get involved are teaching discipleship classes, financial support or many other opportunities! Contact us below to get involved!
Cornerstone partners with the WRM through different ways such as packing lunches as a small group and serving meals. Other ways to get involved are teaching discipleship classes, financial support or many other opportunities! Contact us below to get involved!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Opportunities: Group Huddle Leader
FCA provides remarkable opportunities to make disciples among coaches and athletes in every school in Casper! Contact us below to get involved!
FCA provides remarkable opportunities to make disciples among coaches and athletes in every school in Casper! Contact us below to get involved!

Casper Christian School
Opportunities: Encourage a Teacher, Sponsor a Student, Pray and more!
Join in with CCS by giving a gift that multiplies for generations to come! Our small groups can "adopt a teacher" to provide prayer and encouragement, sponsor a student, help recruit and so much more! If you're interested in getting involved with Cornerstone's partnership with CCS, contact us below!
Join in with CCS by giving a gift that multiplies for generations to come! Our small groups can "adopt a teacher" to provide prayer and encouragement, sponsor a student, help recruit and so much more! If you're interested in getting involved with Cornerstone's partnership with CCS, contact us below!

Garden Ministry
Serve the community through the Cornerstone Garden!
The Cornerstone garden provides a way to serve those in our church and the local community who need help by providing fresh grown produce! There are many ways to get involved from tending a few beds to helping with infrastructure projects! Contact us below if you want to get involved with the next work day!
The Cornerstone garden provides a way to serve those in our church and the local community who need help by providing fresh grown produce! There are many ways to get involved from tending a few beds to helping with infrastructure projects! Contact us below if you want to get involved with the next work day!
There are many local opportunities... Let's chat!
Outside of Wyoming, Cornerstone works with missionaries and ministries from around the world. From pastoral training in Africa to the fight against human trafficking in Europe, there is a place for you to get involved. Checkout some of the many opportunities below and contact us for additional opportunities!

Human Trafficking
Opportunities: Educate, Prayer and Serving!
Cornerstone Church seeks to educate, equip and encourage those desiring to fight against human trafficking by promoting the redemption of Jesus Christ. Take the next step by checking out the recent trafficking conference messages, getting in contact with workers on the ground and commit to prayer and action.
Cornerstone Church seeks to educate, equip and encourage those desiring to fight against human trafficking by promoting the redemption of Jesus Christ. Take the next step by checking out the recent trafficking conference messages, getting in contact with workers on the ground and commit to prayer and action.

Pastoral Training
Opportunities: Equip, Learning, Support and Training!
Cornerstone partners with several missionaries throughout Africa, Middle East and Asia that provide pastoral training to local pastors by using the Pathways training curriculum through Reach Global. Learn more about opportunities on how to serve in this way by contacting us below!
Cornerstone partners with several missionaries throughout Africa, Middle East and Asia that provide pastoral training to local pastors by using the Pathways training curriculum through Reach Global. Learn more about opportunities on how to serve in this way by contacting us below!

The Great North!
Opportunities: Trips, Encouragement and Support!
Cornerstone partners with InterAct Ministries to provide training and support for rural believers throughout Canada, Siberia and Alaska. This opportunity is a great way to connect with several of Cornerstone's beloved missionaries and take a trip to assist their endeavor to make the Gospel known throughout the great north! Contact us for more details!
Cornerstone partners with InterAct Ministries to provide training and support for rural believers throughout Canada, Siberia and Alaska. This opportunity is a great way to connect with several of Cornerstone's beloved missionaries and take a trip to assist their endeavor to make the Gospel known throughout the great north! Contact us for more details!

Refugee Support
Opportunities: Pray, Give and Go!
Cornerstone works with missionaries who are seeking to make Christ known to the millions of displaced people throughout the Middle East and Europe. Contact us to find out more ways to get involved.
Cornerstone works with missionaries who are seeking to make Christ known to the millions of displaced people throughout the Middle East and Europe. Contact us to find out more ways to get involved.